Reactivate an old listing.

If you have had a listing previously on, you can reactivate it by following these steps:

  1. Login to your account by clicking on "my account" in the menu above. If you have forgotten your account name or password, click on the "request new password" tab on the login page.
  2. After you have logged in, click on "My listings" tab below your username. Edit your listing to update the information, and make a note of the listing title and area if you have more than 1 listing.
  3. Click on "my account" in the menu again, then on the "my orders" tab. Click on "create new order" link at the bottom of the page.
  4. Fill in the order form for the listing(s) you would like to reactivate and click on "submit."
  5. Pay for your listing(s) and patiently wait for the payment to be processed. You will be notified by e-mail when your listing is reactivated.

If you are certain you have had a listing previously on, but your e-mail address has changed, send an e-mail to the administrator with your new e-mail address, and what your old e-mail address was, and other information about your listing (such as phone number and area it was in) so we can locate your listing and changed your e-mail address for you.

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