Frequently Asked Questions - Listing Information

If you have already created a forum user name, you can find it by logging into the tutor's page. Use your tutorID and password to login. Once logged in, look for the section title "forums." If you have already created a forum user name, it will tell you there, along with a link to take you to the forums page.

The password for the forums is the same as your tutor listing password.

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You can create a forum user name from the tutor's page. Login to the tutor's page and look for the section titled "forums."

Only tutor listings with the status of "free trial" or "paid account" have the ability to create a forum user name.

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Most administrative e-mails include the tutorID, along with other listing information, at the bottom of the e-mail. Look for a recent e-mail from administration and look for the listing summary at the bottom.

If you do not have an old e-mail, send an e-mail to the administrator asking for your tutorID. An e-mail with your tutorID and how to reset your password will be sent to you.

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Login to your account and click on "my account" in the menu on the left side of the page. Then click on the tab labelled "my listings." Scroll down to where your listing is, and look in the status box located BELOW your listing. Click on the box next to "accepting students" to remove the check mark, then click on the "confirm listing as accurate" just below there. You will see your listing automatically change status from "accepting new students" to "not accpeting new students."

Changing the status of your listing to "not accepting new students" moves it to a secondary list. Your listing is still on the web site, but appears after the main search results page.

If you no longer want to have a listing on the web site you can simply leave your listing as "not accepting new students" and let it expire.

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